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Journals, special issues and workshops

Algoritmos contra las Llamas: Las posibilidades de la IA en la gestión de incendios forestales

In this article we mainly talk about forest fires and a possible Deep Learning enabled approach to firefighting, unfeasible without a sophisticated AI system. Let’s take a brief look at the most important points of how to solve this problem by using modern Deep Learning techniques.

Conferences and keynotes

Guest Lecture: David Camacho (UPM).

“Disinformation: Unveiling the Threat and AI Countermeasures” at the 2023 IEEE International Conference on Network, Multimedia and Information Technology (IEEE NMITCON-2023), 1-2 September, 2023, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, Bengaluru, India.

Guest Lecture: David Camacho (UPM). 

Working on new AI methods to countering disinformation” at The International Conference on Innovative Computing and Communications (ICICC 2023), February 17-18, 2023, University of Delhi, Delhi, India.

Guest Lecture: David Camacho (UPM). 

Tackling Disinformation and Fake News with AI Technology: Strategies for Combatting Information Disorders” at The 12th International Conference on Smart Media and Applications (SMA 2023), December 11-16, 2023, Taichung City, Taiwan R.O.C.


Presentación Trabajos 2023 – Foro contra las Campañas de Desinformación en el ámbito de la Seguridad Nacional

This initiative is part of the European Union’s strategy to tackle disinformation campaigns, which is set out in both the Action Plan against disinformation of December 2018 and the Action Plan for European Democracy of December 2020; highlighting both documents that, the new risk scenario facing Europe and the Western world in general, calls for an even closer cooperation between the Public Administration and relevant actors from civil society, academia and the private sector, as the only way to get the full picture of the threat landscape and effectively tackle disinformation campaigns.


Herramienta para combatir los incendios: David Camacho, Javier Huertas-Tato & Helena Liz-López

This interview primarily focuses on forest fires and the potential application of Deep Learning in firefighting, which would not be feasible without advanced AI systems. We will briefly explore the key aspects of addressing this issue through Deep Learning methods.